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The strategic direction of Alleima is based on four key pillars, and industry-leading sustainability is one of them. This means that governance of sustainability in Alleima is an integrated part of our corporate governance framework – the Alleima Way.

Governed by policies, procedures and other steering documents, there is a clear structure of how sustainability is managed within the company.

The Alleima Board of Directors has the overall responsibility for sustainability reporting in Alleima and has tasked the Audit Committee to oversee this. The Audit Committee is informed regularly.

The Group Executive Management team of Alleima is responsible for executing the strategy. Sustainability is an operational responsibility, and the division presidents have a delegated responsibility to execute the strategy in their divisions. Alleima has established a committee – Alleima Sustainability Council – with representatives from group functions and divisions. The council is assigned to coordinate sustainability work within Alleima. Chaired by the head of Alleima Governance and Sustainability, the sustainability council coordinates the preparation of steering documents within sustainability, such as the Alleima sustainability policy, and the procedures under this policy. The council also prepares any decision proposals that require Group Executive Management approval.

Sustainability reviews are conducted with Group Executive Management on a quarterly basis. In the sustainability reviews, management is informed about any issues related to sustainability, as well as progress against sustainability targets and plans towards further progress to reaching longterm goals. The sustainability targets are central to the company’s strategy to be an industry leader in sustainability. The targets have been set to address material aspects both in relation to how Alleima is impacted as a company by external key sustainability drivers as well as to address what external stakeholders deem as the most significant impacts of our operations.

Code of Conduct

Alleima is committed to putting sustainable business practices first. This involves our own internal work and our interaction with business partners. Our Code of Conduct serves as a set of principles to apply in our daily work and is a description of our common culture worldwide. The foundation of our Code of Conduct is, together with our core values, based on internationally recognized principles for environmental, social and governance aspects.

Human rights and fair labor conditions

Our commitment to human rights and fair labor conditions is established in our Code of Conduct and in our Supplier Code of Conduct in which we support, amongst others, the International Bill of Human Rights, the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Alleima does not accept any form of harassment or bullying and believes in employee diversity without discrimination based on gender identity, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, marital status, social group, or other characteristics.

Alleima has zero tolerance for forced labor, slave labor, and child labor and supports children’s rights and the right to education. All Alleima employees are covered by collective agreements and have the right to join a trade union if they so wish.

The Code of Conduct and Supplier Code of Conduct can be found here on the Alleima website.

Alleima's commitments to respect human rights are also available on the website.

Board of Directors Audit Commitee Executive Management Sustainability Council Division Sustainability Manager Division Sustainability Manager Group Functions Sustainability Manager Division Sustainability Manager

The Alleima Board of Directors, has the overall responsibility for sustainability reporting within Alleima, monitored by the Audit Committee. The Group Executive Management has the overall responsibility for the sustainability strategy and agenda of Alleima while the divisions are responsible for the implementation and follow-up. The governance and sustainability function is responsible for the coordination within the Group, chairs the sustainability council and reports to the President and CEO.