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Alleima is committed to a number of international initiatives, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which outline the world’s common agenda for 2030. We are committed to all 17 goals, and have identified ten which are particularly relevant for our business and where we can make the greatest impact.

News article October 11
Alleima proud member of the United Nations Global Compact

Alleima proud member of the United Nations Global Compact

As a participant in UN Global Compact, Alleima will make UN Global Compact and its principles part of the strategy, culture and day-to-day operations of the company.

By using our expertise as a force for sustainable good, and based on long-term customer partnerships, we make innovative changes that help raise productivity and competitiveness and, importantly, and minimize environmental impact.

Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

E-WEB-Goal-03.pngContinued development of Exera® medical wire for applications in various areas of life-changing medical technology, such as vascular therapy, sensing, and neurostimulation. Exera® gives patients with e.g., diabetes, Parkinsons’ disease, cochlear hearing implants and pacemakers a better life.

Initiatives to support and improve good health and promote well-being among our employees, including continued efforts to further reduce our Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate.

Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

E-WEB-Goal-05.pngIncreased focus on DEI (Diversity, Equality and Inclusion) as part of the People Strategy and Alleima commercial strategy. Partnership signed with Albright Foundation to give support and advice in DEI development and improvement. Focused initiative to improve gender balance, where the share of female managers continued to trend positively measuring 22.7% after Q3-2022 compared with 19.1% in the base year 2019.

Ensure access to water and sanitation for all

E-WEB-Goal-06.pngAlleima manufacturing processes use large amounts of water for different purposes. Freshwater, groundwater and industrial water are used. Different initiatives and improvements are implemented to reduce the usage of fresh water and increase the circularity and reuse of water in general.

Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy

E-WEB-Goal-07.pngAlleima has signed agreements for all sites within EU to purchase fossil-free electricity. Globally, ~96% of all electricity used within Alleima is fossil free.

The development and market introduction of products for renewable or fossil-free energy and energy efficiency continued. The marketing of Alleima as a product and solution provider in the global shift towards renewable or fossil-free energy is a material part of the commercial strategy.

Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all

E-WEB-Goal-08.pngContinued strengthening of our safety culture with an increased focus on reducing the total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) in line with the long-term goal of zero harm to people.
Alleima strategy and product portfolio aim to alleviate the needs emerging from global megatrends such as climate change mitigation, energy efficiency and medical and health improvement.

Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

E-WEB-Goal-09.pngContinued strong development and introduction of new products and solutions to support customer needs. Approximately 1.5% of annual turnover is invested in the development of new products. A significant part of the product development portfolio aims at renewable energy and the transition to fossil-free energy production. Signed agreement with HYBRIT for delivery of electric heating solution for fossil-free steel production using hydrogen gas.

Reduce inequalities within and among countries

E-WEB-Goal-10.pngClear statements in the Alleima code of conduct on diversity, equality and inclusion are supported by rules in our People Policy and related procedures. The long-term target is that all our people can operate at their full potential and at the same time feel valued and welcomed whomever they are.

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

E-WEB-Goal-12.pngA high degree of circularity is built into the Alleima business model.

Approximately 83% of the final product are manufactured from recycled material. Buy-back programs of decommissioned products or waste material at customers introduced, where the material is returned to us and re-melted to new products.

Waste circularity measurements and improvement are part of the environmental management system efforts. Significant amounts of waste to landfill at specific sites are being investigated for improvement opportunities.

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

E-WEB-Goal-13.pngLong-term target to reduce scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 50% to 2030. Scope 3 assessment performed during 2022. Compared with the base year 2019, we have already reduced scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 16%. As Alleima CO2 footprint is fairly small compared to other steel companies we have a unique opportunity to support the overall reduction of CO2 emissions through our products, both existing and new, in use by our customers. Strong examples of products exist both in renewable and fossil-free energy production and in more energy-efficient products.

Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

E-WEB-Goal-16.pngCompliance long-term targets aiming at automizing sanction controls and customer/supplier screening in all Alleima ERP systems. Continued management of Alleima entities within the Compliance House assessment tool, addressing policy or regulatory gaps. Raising Compliance awareness through automated (recurring) Compliance training, including principles for refusing to do business with people and entities engaged in illegal activities, fostering ethical behavior within the company and supporting to combat of illicit trade flows having zero tolerance for any form of corruption and bribery.