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Alleima uses certain alternative performance measures that are not defined by IFRS. These measures are considered to be important performance indicators of the operating performance and liquidity for Alleima. They should not be considered a substitute to Alleima’s financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS. Alleima’s definitions of these measures are described below, and as other companies may calculate non IFRS measures differently, these measures are therefore not always comparable to similar measures used by other companies.

Financial defintions

Measure Definition
Adjusted earnings per share Adjusted profit for the period divided by average number of shares outstanding during the year.
Adjusted EBIT Operating profit (EBIT) excluding metal price effects and items affecting comparability.
Adjusted EBIT margin, % Adjusted EBIT in relation to revenues.
Adjusted EBITDA Operating profit (EBIT) before depreciations and amortizations, adjusted for metal price effects and items affecting comparability.
Adjusted EBITDA margin, % Adjusted EBITDA in relation to revenues.
Adjusted gross margin, % Revenues less cost of goods sold, adjusted for metal price effects and items affecting comparability, in relation to revenues.
Adjusted profit for the period Profit for the period, adjusted for metal price effects, items affecting comparability, and income tax effects.
Capex (net investments) Acquisitions and sale of tangible and intangible assets.
Capex in relation to revenues, % Capex divided by revenues.
EBIT Earnings before interest and taxes (Operating profit).
EBIT margin, % EBIT in relation to revenues.
EBITDA Operating profit (EBIT) excluding depreciations and amortizations.
EBITDA margin, % EBITDA in relation to revenues.
Financial net debt (+) Net debt, excluding net pension and lease liabilities.
Free operating cash flow EBITDA adjusted for non-cash items plus the change in net working capital minus investments and disposals of tangible and intangible assets and plus the amortization of lease liabilities.
Gross profit Revenues less costs of goods sold
Gross profit margin, % Revenues less costs of goods sold in relation to revenues
Items affecting comparability (IAC) Capital gains and losses from divestments and larger restructuring initiatives, impairments, capital gains and losses from divestments of financial assets as well as other material items having a significant impact on the comparability.
Metal price effects Metal price effect on the operating profit during a particular period from changes in alloy prices arising from the timing difference between the purchase (as included in cost of goods sold) and the sale of an alloy (as included in the revenue) when alloy surcharges are applied.
Net debt (+) Interest-bearing current and non-current liabilities, including net pension and lease liability, less cash and cash equivalents.
Net debt/Adjusted EBITDA Net debt divided by adjusted EBITDA
Net debt/Equity Net debt divided by equity.
Net working capital Total of inventories, trade receivables, account payables and other current non-interest-bearing receivables and liabilities, including those classified as liabilities and assets held for sale, but excluding tax assets and liabilities and provisions.
Net working capital to revenues, % The annual value is the average working capital for four quarters divided by revenues for the full year.
Normalized tax rate Tax rate adjusted for metal price effects, items affecting comparability and one time tax items.
Order intake Order intake for a period refers to all orders received for immediate delivery and those orders for future delivery for which delivery dates and quantities have been confirmed.
Book-to-bill, % The order intake of the period divided by the revenues of the period.
Organic growth, % Change in order intake or revenues after adjustments for exchange rate effects and structural changes such as divestments and acquisitions and alloy surcharges.
Return on capital employed, % Annualized operating profit/loss plus financial income, adjusted for derivatives, in relation to a four quarter average capital employed. Capital employed is defined as total capital less non-interest bearing debt.