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CEO’s comments on Q2 2022 and the Prospectus

With a clear direction for our journey ahead, utilizing our position as technology leader, progressive customer partner and sustainability driver, we aim to become an even stronger and independent company within our industry.

Press releases and related documents

Sandvik AB has requested general guidelines from the Swedish Tax Agency regarding the allocation of the historic acquisition price between the Sandvik AB and Alleima AB shares (only available in Swedish).
Swedish Tax Agency's quidelines
Swedish Tax Agency's general information


2019-05-06 Announcement of internal separation from Sandvik
2022-03-23 Publication of Information Broschure to Sandvik shareholders
2022-04-27 Sandvik Annual General Meeting
2022-08-04 Publication of Alleima Prospectus
2022-08-23 Alleima Capital Markets Day
2022-08-25 Last day of trading in Sandvik shares with the right to receive shares in Alleima
2022-08-26 First day of trading in Sandvik shares without the right to receive shares in Alleima
2022-08-29 Record date for distribution of the Alleima shares
2022-08-31 First day of trading in the Alleima shares on Nasdaq Stockholm