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View recorded webinar

Presented by
Luiza Esteves & Angela Philipp


Sanicro 35: Bridging the Gap Between Stainless and Nickel Alloys for Refinery Applications

The webinar covers the general mechanical and corrosion properties of Sanicro 35, a new super-austenitic grade developed by Alleima. The tubular grade is seen as a cost-effective alternative to nickel-based alloys in most industries. The grades’ suitability in specific applications such as REAC for refinery hydro processing units and crude unit overhead condensers will be discussed more in-depth.

Angelia Philipp

After finishing her study of material science, Angela has worked in sales and technical marketing positions in different companies.

In 2007 she moved to Alleima in Germany. Her current position is Technical Marketing Specialist at BU Tube EMEA.

Angela regularly represents Alleima at conferences and publishes technical papers.

Her passion is introducing innovative developments to improve the equipment efficiency of Alleima's customers and contribute to meeting climate goals.

Luiza Esteves

Luiza Esteves is currently working as technical marketing engineer at Alleima with a focus on Chemical Process Industries (CPI).

In 2020, she worked at Intel supporting the Yield and Defect Characterization Engineering team. In 2019, she worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Akron in the Chemical, Biomolecular, and Corrosion Engineering department. She earned both a doctorate (2017) and master (2013) of Chemical Engineering with a concentration in Corrosion from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil.

She graduated in Chemistry from Universidade Federal de Alfenas (2010). During her Ph.D., she was a visiting scholar at the Fontana Corrosion Center (FCC), The Ohio State University (OSU).