We're exhibiting at Elmia Subcontractor 2022 November 15-17 in Sweden - visit us at the event or virtually from home!
The virtual trade show is an exact detailed copy of the actual live trade show and opens up for visitors who cannot attend in person. It's possible to “walk around” and check out our product samples, read brochures, and datasheets, watch production films, learn more about 'the unbreakable contract', and more. You can also ask questions in a chat function and talk to a sales representative live through a web camera if you wish.
Sales representatives will be standby as long as the live trade show is open.
Opening hours (Central European Time CET; UTC+01:00)
Tuesday November 15, 09.00-18.00
Wednesday November 16, 09.00-18.00
Thursday November 17, 09.00-17.00
Visit our virtual booth
Fill out the form below, you will be automaticly redirected to our virtual booth when you submit.